American Lebanese Community Scholarship Fund

Candidates must be enrolled full- or part-time, exhibit good character, leadership, and a commitment to community service. Applicants must also have a minimum of 3.0 cumulative G.P.A. Other considerations for this award are prior economic opportunity or status, family status, prior educational background, cultural background, and the potential of the individual to contribute to the diversity of the campus community. Financial need may also be a consideration for this award (FAFSA). Preferences will be given to applicants familiar with Lebanese or Middle Eastern Heritage.

Dr. Samuel & Mrs. Patricia Shaheen
Supplemental Questions
  1. Do you have experience with or knowledge of Lebanese Culture?
  2. Please describe your knowledge/experience with Lebanese culture and heritage (if you answered "No" above, just type "None" in the box).
  3. Please describe your cultural background and family status along with the economic and educational opportunties you have had.