Robert and Ellen Thompson Working Families Achiever Scholarship

This scholarship is for a Freshman Achiever student for $2,750 per semester, for up to six semesters. The student must be a second-year student (completed two semesters) at the University by the Fall 2025 Semester, pursuing a four-year degree. The Freshman Achiever is a student not initially selected for the Thompson Working Families Scholarship by the University prior to their freshman year for primarily academic reasons, but has demonstrated significant academic progress in their freshman year at the University such that the University now feels the student should be admitted to the Scholarship Program.

Criteria for eligibility: SAI of -$1,500 to $16,000 (as determined by FAFSA); second-year, first-time-in-college student who just completed his/her/their freshmen year at SVSU (i.e. starting their second year in Fa’25); completed a minimum of 24 credits at SVSU after their (Wi’24 semester); SVSU GPA of 2.75 or higher; did not receive the President’s Scholarship during his/her/their first year of attendance and is not receiving another Thompson Scholarship.

This scholarship will be renewed for up to 5 additional semesters (6 total) provided the student meets all criteria for renewal.

  • complete a minimum of twenty hours of community service per academic year they receive the scholarship
  • complete (or demonstrate a plan to complete) 30 applicable credits per academic year as defined by the official degree audit
  • maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 reviewed at the end of each semester
  • continue to annually complete the FAFSA or its equivalent
  • not revoke the FERPA waiver they authorized when they initially applied for the scholarship

Robert and Ellen Thompson
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you a dependent of an SVSU employee?
  2. Have you received one of the following scholarships?
  3. Is at least one of your parent(s) or guardian(s) currently employed?
  4. How has your parent(s)' work ethic inspired your academic ambition and achievement?