Study Abroad Experience Scholarship

Candidates for this award will have achieved a minimum of 2.5 G.P.A. and plan to participate in an SVSU-recognized study abroad program. The award is not to exceed the total cost of the program. Preference will be given to students who have never participated in a study abroad experience. Students participating in non-credit or fully-funded programs are NOT eligible (Study Abroad 101, Shih Hsin University, Ming Chuan University, Shikoku University, Daegu University, etc.).

Study Abroad Scholarships
Supplemental Questions
  1. Have you ever previously participated in a study abroad?
  2. Will you be participating in a study abroad semester at Shih Hsin or via another fully funded program?
  3. Please write a 500-word essay describing your goals and what you hope to gain by studying abroad, the type of destination that most interests you, and your financial need for a study abroad scholarship.