William and Lori Jurgens
William and Lori Jurgens have devoted their professional lives to healthcare in the local area. Mr. Jurgens in the owner of Automated Business Systems, a Saginaw company that provides medical billing services for area radiologists. Mrs. Jurgens, a nurse, was the Director of Ambulatory and Emergency Services for St. Mary’s of Michigan prior to her retirement. Mr. & Mrs. Jurgens are committed to the value of higher education, having both earned graduate degrees.
Mr. Jurgens received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Central Michigan University. Mrs. Jurgens received her associate’s degree from Delta College, her BSN from the University of Michigan, and her master’s degree from Central Michigan University. Mr. and Mrs. Jurgens wish to help sustain and improve the quality of healthcare in the region, and believe the education and training of highly qualified nurses are crucial to the future of our area hospitals and healthcare services.
The scholarship fund was established in 2008 to provide assistance to students seeking Nursing degrees at SVSU.