Mr. and Mrs. James Jaime

Mr. and Mrs. James Jaime

This scholarship is established by a gift from Mr. and Mrs. James Jaime of Saginaw, Michigan, to encourage academic excellence and provide financial assistance to students pursuing degrees at Saginaw Valley State University.

Robert Castro Jaime was born in 1917 in Monterey, Mexico. His parents and eleven siblings moved to the United States in 1918. He married Beatrice Cisneros in 1947. They had five children together: Robert, Tony, Rick, Carlos, Joe, and Jim. He was employed in many different trades, including working on a freight ship, railroad, and eventually working at Wicks/Combustion Engineering as a grinder/welder. He was a very loving, compassionate, and gentle person. His family meant the world to him. He was very active with his church, St. Joseph parish in Saginaw. He passed away in 1977 at age 62.

The social work profession best represents his love and compassion for people, especially for those less fortunate.
