Marx Family
The Marx family has a rich history with Saginaw Valley State University. The property upon which Ryder Center is now located was originally owned by Ginger Marx’s family. The family-owned and operated company, Champagne & Marx Excavating, donated the construction of the intramural fields on the west side of campus.
Tom and Ginger Marx have participated in the SVSU Annual Fund committee since 1992. Tom served eight years on the SVSU Foundation Board of Directors. Mr. Marx also provided leadership and counsel to two of the University’s largest fundraising initiatives: Creating the Future and Promise for Tomorrow.
In 2006, the Marx family established this endowment fund to provide scholarships for Engineering students at SVSU. Tom and Ginger Marx, daughter Christine and husband Norman Davis, daughter Anne and husband John Coursey, son David and wife Jean, and Champagne & Marx have all supported the scholarship fund.