Cox Communications Saginaw, Inc.
Cox Communications began as Cox Enterprises, Inc. in 1898, founded by James M. Cox, a former schoolteacher who served three terms as governor of Ohio and ran in the 1920 U.S. Presidential Election as a Democratic candidate. In 1920, Governor Cox purchased the company’s first newspaper, the Dayton Evening News. Now, Cox is the third largest cable provider in the nation with more than 6 million total residential and commercial customer relationships and over 22,000 employees. Since 1962, Cox has built high-quality communications networks and delivered quality cable television programs. Cox Communications continues to invest millions in the communities they serve through education, youth initiatives, infrastructure, and safe cable/internet experiences for children. The scholarship fund was established in 1996, when Cox Communications owned the cable services now offered by Charter Communications in our region. The scholarship is intended to help graduates of Saginaw area high schools. For more information about Cox Communications, please visit the Web site at www.coxcommunications.com.