Chase Bank
First State Bank of Saginaw opened in 1969, and later became NBD Bank, then Bank One. Bank One was originally founded in 1933, and had a long tradition of serving this community and the people of Michigan. Throughout its distinguished history, Bank One showed an exemplary commitment to philanthropy and community service. They gave special concentration to communities and neighborhoods, health and human services, arts and culture, education and civic activities.
In 1999, Bank One was chosen as the recipient of the National Philanthropy Day Award for Outstanding Corporation by the National Society of Fundraising Executives. In 2002, the Bank One Endowed Scholarship was established at SVSU to assist students and enrich the cultural diversity of the student body.
In 2004, Bank One was acquired by Chase, and the name changed. The name of the scholarship was also updated to Chase Endowed Scholarship.
Visit www.chase.com and scroll down to click on the “About Us” link to learn more about the company.