Charles J. Strosacker Foundation
Charles John Strosacker was born in Valley City, Ohio, in 1882. As a child, he attended a one-room schoolhouse and worked on his father’s farm and his grandfather’s store in town. In 1906, he earned a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from the Case School of Applied Science. Mr. Strosacker’s acquaintance, Herbert H. Dow, offered him a job with the company he established, The Dow Chemical Company. Mr. Strosacker convinced the inventor of Cling Wrap to produce his product at The Dow Chemical Company, bringing them great success.
Inspired by his sister’s devotion to the Presbyterian Church in Midland, Mr. Strosacker made many generous gifts to support new building projects. He also was known to provide financial assistance to widows and families of Dow employees, and relatives overseas. The Charles J. Strosacker Foundation was established in 1957. The Foundation has supported scholarships, capital projects, an endowed chair, and other important programs at SVSU. Mr. Strosacker passed away in 1963 at the age of 81.
In 1990, The Charles J. Strosacker Foundation provided support to the GET-SET Project at SVSU. The aim of the program was to help and encourage disadvantaged students in middle or high school to seek careers in science and engineering. Approximately 500 students participated in the program. “Graduates” of the GET-SET program often lacked the funding to attend college, which inspired the establishment of the scholarship program. In 1998, the Strosacker Foundation funded the scholarship program which supports and encourages students who need help meeting the expenses of their college education.